It’s too noisy in here (so I’m told)

No more Twitter and Facebook together.

Several months ago I started updating my Facebook status automatically based on what I was typing into Twitter. I figured, if I’m updating a status based on me and my life, then my Facebook friends and my Twitter friends could both get the same information, right?

But since then, many of my Facebook friends have joined Twitter, and many of my Twitter friends have become my Facebook friends. Since a lot of people could see my updates twice, I’ve decided once is enough.

Now I just have to think of how to separate my thoughts. I feel like I can say whatever’s on my mind on Twitter. So what does that leave for Facebook?

Also, how many times a day is ok for Facebook status posting? Seems like some people get aggravated if you post 3 or 4 times a day. Personally, I don’t mind if someone wants to post all day long – if happen to be on Facebook all day long to see these updates, then I’m happy to be entertained! It’s kinda like TV –  I could complain if there’s too much on, or I could choose to turn it off. But I know not everyone feels that way.

I’ll continue to post my blog updates in both places, but that’s it. I have a feeling this will mean you’ll be hearing more from me on Twitter (sometimes I held back to not piss off my Facebook buds) and less from me on Facebook. We’ll see how it goes!

Also, I’ve been getting more detailed about my workouts on Daily Mile. Don’t want to bore those that don’t work out too much, so maybe I’ll cut back on the running chatter on the other sites …






10 responses to “It’s too noisy in here (so I’m told)”

  1. Chrsi Avatar

    I’ve gone back and forth a few times and I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’m still on the fence about it, mainly because a lot of my friends are separate still and I check twitter a lot more than facebook.
    .-= Chrsi´s last blog ..Buttons and links in forms =-.

  2. Chrsi Avatar

    I’ve gone back and forth a few times and I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’m still on the fence about it, mainly because a lot of my friends are separate still and I check twitter a lot more than facebook.
    .-= Chrsi´s last blog ..Buttons and links in forms =-.

  3. Whitney Avatar

    Have you tried the “Selective Twitter” app on Facebook? It only posts Twitter updates that you tag with “#fb” — I’ve found that to be kind of helpful. You still get dual action between Twitter and Facebook, but you won’t annoy those people who say you’re posting too much… and you can still spout off freely on Twitter!
    .-= Whitney´s last blog ..Word of the Day: Heifer Brand =-.

  4. Whitney Avatar

    Have you tried the “Selective Twitter” app on Facebook? It only posts Twitter updates that you tag with “#fb” — I’ve found that to be kind of helpful. You still get dual action between Twitter and Facebook, but you won’t annoy those people who say you’re posting too much… and you can still spout off freely on Twitter!
    .-= Whitney´s last blog ..Word of the Day: Heifer Brand =-.

  5. Melissa Avatar

    Let me state I’m doing this not for myself but for the people that are dropping not-so-subtle hints about too much posting on Facebook. It’s tough trying to think of things to say on both! When I see someone else posting on both platforms, it does not bother me in the least. Nor does a lot of status updates on Facebook. But if it bothers others, I’ll try to keep it down.

    Whitney, I have the selective app installed but have not used it because I feel I need to vary the content, mostly due to a lot of FB friends joining Twitter.

    Except the blog. That will continue to be on both. Or if some really big news happens!

    It seems like Twitter peeps are less concerned about these things, even those who are on both platforms. I wonder why that is?

  6. Melissa Avatar

    Let me state I’m doing this not for myself but for the people that are dropping not-so-subtle hints about too much posting on Facebook. It’s tough trying to think of things to say on both! When I see someone else posting on both platforms, it does not bother me in the least. Nor does a lot of status updates on Facebook. But if it bothers others, I’ll try to keep it down.

    Whitney, I have the selective app installed but have not used it because I feel I need to vary the content, mostly due to a lot of FB friends joining Twitter.

    Except the blog. That will continue to be on both. Or if some really big news happens!

    It seems like Twitter peeps are less concerned about these things, even those who are on both platforms. I wonder why that is?

  7. Kevin Avatar

    I say post what you want to post. If someone doesn’t want to see what you write, they can hide you from their page!
    .-= Kevin´s last blog ..I’m still here =-.

  8. Kevin Avatar

    I say post what you want to post. If someone doesn’t want to see what you write, they can hide you from their page!
    .-= Kevin´s last blog ..I’m still here =-.

  9. Amy Avatar

    I have found that the audience/mood is very different between Twitter and Facebook. I had it posting to both place for a very short time and already had a comment from someone on FB that I was basically being too insensitive. I think Twitter generally accepts more snark/criticism on issues. Since then, I’ve turned it off and have been quite reluctant to turn it back on. That being said, I think a lot of my family is missing out on what’s going on with me because I only post to Twitter.
    When I get back on Twitter/FB from my break, I’m thinking of doing the Selective app and seeing how that goes.
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Lexi-ism – TGIF =-.

  10. Amy Avatar

    I have found that the audience/mood is very different between Twitter and Facebook. I had it posting to both place for a very short time and already had a comment from someone on FB that I was basically being too insensitive. I think Twitter generally accepts more snark/criticism on issues. Since then, I’ve turned it off and have been quite reluctant to turn it back on. That being said, I think a lot of my family is missing out on what’s going on with me because I only post to Twitter.
    When I get back on Twitter/FB from my break, I’m thinking of doing the Selective app and seeing how that goes.
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Lexi-ism – TGIF =-.