Tag: Facebook

  • Make new friends, but keep the old …

    I always enjoy making new friends, and my life, for the most part, is an open book. I can’t wait to tell you the latest cute thing my niece told me or show you the pictures of me out on the town from the weekend before. However, I also realize that it’s smart to be…

  • Bumping and beer pong

    Beer club at Pauleys in Athens, Ga:  So, here’s how the beer club works at Pauleys: Drink 100 beers, 35 imports and 65 domestics, and get your picture on the wall with a quote. No time limit. I started my beer card on 11/1/08, right after the bar opened. The bar was so dead, that…

  • Why college guys are totally hot

    One night during my college days, I met this really great guy, Mike*. He was so sweet and cute and perfect, and we hit it off from the moment we met. There was a group of us hanging out that night, and I was on cloud 9. Until my sorority sister, Karen, pulled me aside…

  • It’s too noisy in here (so I’m told)

    No more Twitter and Facebook together. Several months ago I started updating my Facebook status automatically based on what I was typing into Twitter. I figured, if I’m updating a status based on me and my life, then my Facebook friends and my Twitter friends could both get the same information, right? But since then,…

  • My favorite iPhone apps

    Just so you know I’ve never paid for an application for my iPhone. All the ones I have are free. That’s not to say I wouldn’t pay for one; I just haven’t found the need to yet. So for those of you who just bought an iPhone (Stephanie) and for anyone considering buying one, here’s…

  • My favorite iPhone apps

    Just so you know I’ve never paid for an application for my iPhone. All the ones I have are free. That’s not to say I wouldn’t pay for one; I just haven’t found the need to yet. So for those of you who just bought an iPhone (Stephanie) and for anyone considering buying one, here’s…

  • Facebook and Twitter: Separate but equal?

    When I first signed up for Twitter, I was a little unsure of how to treat it. What’s the difference between Twitter and Facebook, I wondered? Do I really need another social networking site? I was already weaning off of myspace slowly. Then I realized the value Twitter has regarding people I don’t know: people…

  • Facebook and Twitter: Separate but equal?

    When I first signed up for Twitter, I was a little unsure of how to treat it. What’s the difference between Twitter and Facebook, I wondered? Do I really need another social networking site? I was already weaning off of myspace slowly. Then I realized the value Twitter has regarding people I don’t know: people…

  • Can a person have too many friends?

    My friend Ronnie has told me lately that he’s had a slew of friend requests on Facebook. All are people that he knows – but many are people he has not spoken with in years – since high school (he’s 31). He mentions this to me as he ponders why, exactly, these people are getting…