Make new friends, but keep the old …

I always enjoy making new friends, and my life, for the most part, is an open book. I can’t wait to tell you the latest cute thing my niece told me or show you the pictures of me out on the town from the weekend before.

However, I also realize that it’s smart to be smart about how I’m sharing the information, and with whom. That said, in the past I’ve been cautious if I receive a friend request on Facebook from someone I don’t know. If you are a real-life friend or acquaintance, or a Twitter bud, or a blog reader, I’m happy to accept the friend request – and that way, I get to know you a little bit, too!

So, if you send me a friend request on Facebook and we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting in real-life, just shoot me a quick note and tell me how you know me … (I read your blog twice a year or I’m HotGuy64 on Twitter will suffice) and I’ll be happy to accept the request.

Oh, and HotGuy64, call me …







6 responses to “Make new friends, but keep the old …”

  1. Avitable Avatar

    I’m the type who’s so open on my blog anyway that I’ll just accept anyone as my friend on Facebook. I bet my phone number and address are completely Google-able already. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Avitable Avatar

    I’m the type who’s so open on my blog anyway that I’ll just accept anyone as my friend on Facebook. I bet my phone number and address are completely Google-able already. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Jeffrey Avatar

    HotGuy64 is really a bald fat guy from Newark.

  4. Jeffrey Avatar

    HotGuy64 is really a bald fat guy from Newark.

  5. Graham Avatar

    Now I feel derivative for setting up my HotGuy65 account.


  6. Graham Avatar

    Now I feel derivative for setting up my HotGuy65 account.
