I’m in a workout slump today

I am to run 5 miles. And I just don’t want to. And I have no idea why.

It’s about to rain. I should go now, before it gets bad. But I don’t want to.

Kevin said he’s in a little bit of a slump too; is it the weather? Or the length of time in our marathon training? Or just a lazy day?

After having a hard 16-mile run, a great half-marathon, and then a hard 18-mile run, I am having mixed feelings. Part of me feels like, I’m almost there! I’ve done 18 miles out of 26.2! And then part of me knows there is a lot more hard work to do.  The longer the runs get the more time they take. I’m almost there. I have a long way to go.

Somebody send me some motivation!






8 responses to “I’m in a workout slump today”

  1. Chris Avatar

    *wafts motivation your way*

    I wish I could run. Held back by yet another injury. Crossing fingers for Saturday though. But as for today, it could be the weather as everyone here in the office is kinda quiet and mellow too.

    But if you’re supposed to get all the rain I’m getting here in Athens later, you seriously might want to consider going now, lest you be washed away with the floodwaters 😉
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..Request for help with some PHP logic… =-.

  2. urbanvox Avatar

    how about you motivate me and I movtivate you?!?!?!

    feeling the same slump round here…

    .-= urbanvox´s last blog ..Whos Boobs? Brook’s Boobs???? =-.

  3. crystal Avatar

    I think it’s a combo of weather and lazy day. We are all allowed to have those you know. However, the marathon is to close to stop now. Keep it up and you can go to the spa after the marathon. Make a pact with yourself: If I complete my 5 mile run today, I can rent a movie, curl up on the couch and vegg out all day. If I don’t then I have to clean up 🙁 Yuck

  4. Whitney Avatar

    You can do it!!!!!!!!
    .-= Whitney´s last blog ..It’s The Great Pumpkin, MyNeChimKi! =-.

  5. Dawn Avatar

    Get out there before it gets bad. I wish I had, but was forced to wait, then it downpourd, and I was stuck on the dreadmill. I totally know how you are feeling. Having Spinx thrown in there took away some focus, and I seem to keep having scheduling conflicts pop up. I’m trying to get recharged this week as well. You’ve put in a lt of hard work, and have done well. It’s really only a short 4 1/2 weeks away. You can do it!!!

  6. Kevin Avatar

    Yes, you can do it! I am glad you suggested running together in the morning, because I am slumping too. Figure this equation:
    2 slumping runners agreeing to run together = two runners that will get out of the slump! See you in the AM!
    .-= Kevin´s last blog ..PR for 10K and a race from a new perspective =-.

  7. Jeffrey Avatar

    Just got off the phone with you, and you told me that it was a great run. Go figure. Just goes to show what I know about running: there is no formula to a great run…sometimes good, sometimes bad, but you never know until you do it.

  8. Melissa Avatar

    You guys are all great!!! I thought about what all of you said the whole time I was running – and it was one of the best runs I’ve had in a long time!

    Here’s a description of the run:
    (be sure to read the part about when the bathtub attacked me)

    And now, in Crystal spirit, I will veg on the couch. No movies, but I do have a novel to write!