Calorie burn challenge Week One

So I thought I’d log my weekly calories during the 6-week calorie burn challenge TrySports is hosting, that I first mentioned here. If you haven’t already, come out and do the challenge with us – all you need is a heart rate monitor and the ability to do a group run or walk at TrySports at least once a week (they do them Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:15.)

Week 1

Tuesday: Running – 4.09 miles – 38 minutes – 470 calories

Wednesday: Running – 6 miles – 54 minutes – 698 calories

Thursday: Running – 3.01 miles – 25 minutes – 348 calories

Saturday: Running – 8.01 miles – 1 hour 14 minutes – 928 calories

Sunday: Elliptical- 2.5 miles – 33 minutes – 333 calories

Total for week: 24 miles – 3 hours 44 minutes – 2777 calories






8 responses to “Calorie burn challenge Week One”

  1. Staci Avatar

    WOW! It looks like you are doing awesome!
    .-= Staci´s last blog ..Look How Far I Have Come!!!! =-.

  2. Staci Avatar

    WOW! It looks like you are doing awesome!
    .-= Staci´s last blog ..Look How Far I Have Come!!!! =-.

  3. Crystal Avatar

    Mine isn’t nearly as cool, but it’s more cool than normal because I’m using Melissa’s heart rate monitor, else it wouldn’t be cool at all, because it wouldn’t be hahaha
    Week 1:
    Tues: 48 calories – push up/sit up challenge, figuring out the new heart rate monitor
    Wed: 495 calories – run/weight lifting at gym
    Thurs: 1063 calories – shopping all day long, non-stop (we sat down once to eat, but other than that we were power walking around the biggest mall I’ve ever been in I think.)
    Fri: 352 calories – 2 mile run/push up challenge
    Sat: 475 calories – more walking around Nashville
    Sun: 0 – just drove home all day, didn’t do anything
    Mon: 0 – no gym, recovering
    Total calories: 2,433

  4. Crystal Avatar

    Mine isn’t nearly as cool, but it’s more cool than normal because I’m using Melissa’s heart rate monitor, else it wouldn’t be cool at all, because it wouldn’t be hahaha
    Week 1:
    Tues: 48 calories – push up/sit up challenge, figuring out the new heart rate monitor
    Wed: 495 calories – run/weight lifting at gym
    Thurs: 1063 calories – shopping all day long, non-stop (we sat down once to eat, but other than that we were power walking around the biggest mall I’ve ever been in I think.)
    Fri: 352 calories – 2 mile run/push up challenge
    Sat: 475 calories – more walking around Nashville
    Sun: 0 – just drove home all day, didn’t do anything
    Mon: 0 – no gym, recovering
    Total calories: 2,433

  5. […] Calorie burn challenge Week One […]

  6. […] Calorie burn challenge Week One […]

  7. […] 6-week calorie burn challenge TrySports is hosting, that I first mentioned here. Week 1 results are here, and Week 2 is here (Crystal, waiting for you to update!) If you haven’t already, come out and do […]

  8. […] 6-week calorie burn challenge TrySports is hosting, that I first mentioned here. Week 1 results are here, and Week 2 is here (Crystal, waiting for you to update!) If you haven’t already, come out and do […]