Running update

Okay, I can’t hold off on talking about running any longer. If you’re not into working out, feel free to skip this one. But it’s been a while since I’ve given an update, so here goes:

I’ve been lazy this winter. Not as lazy as I was before I started “really” running, but lazier than I would like. At some points I’m only running once or twice a week.

I’ve gotten cocky. After running the marathon, I have this subconscious attitude that if I can do that, the half marathon I plan to run in April will be easy. As in, I don’t need to train. As in, I’m being dumb.

When I have been running, it’s been on a treadmill. I do not like running in extreme cold, so I’ve been staying indoors. Part of this is I’m clumsy and I have no desire to slip and fall on ice, but part of it is I just don’t feel like it.

I’ve gotten fat. Okay, not super fat, but I’ve put on about 5 lbs since I’ve started being lazy. Part of this is probably due to the fact that I’ve also been eating like crap.

Just when I decided all this had to change now, I got sick. And spent the better part of a week on the couch not running.

The good news? I have been doing other workouts, some. Not as much as I should, but I’ve made a conscious effort to do other things besides run. My goal is health/fitness, not just running. Plus, cross training helps me be a better runner, so it’s all for the greater good.

So, now that the sick is over, I’m rededicated to getting back to it. I’ve run every day since Sunday, and one of those runs was even outside. It was way harder than it should have been – I ran the greenway in Athens with Chris. The last time I did this, in October, it was a lot easier to tackle the hills than it was on Monday. However, I can still feel the remnants of my chest cold affecting my breathing, and I know that’s part of it.

I’ve been doing interval runs for the first time in the past couple of months. I do feel as if I’ve gotten faster on the treadmill. Now it’s up to me to apply that outside.

I haven’t forgotten about my list of races that I wanted to do, but I have had to prioritize a little more than I’d planned due to budget concerns. I am definitely running the South Park half marathon in April – that’s the one I’m training for. Of course I’ll do the fall marathon(s) too, but I might have to skip some of the smaller races. Bummer, but it does add up.

I miss distance running, and my training program is leading up to getting some of it back. I’m to run 8 miles on Saturday, so I’m looking forward to that in a dreadful sort of way.

Winter or not, I’m not giving up! Is anyone else feeling lazy? How do you force yourself out there in the winter ice/snow/rain/muck?






9 responses to “Running update”

  1. Amy Avatar

    Yes! I’ve only run twice since finishing C25K two weeks ago. But in my defense, I’ve been working my butt off at work and have had ZERO energy to do much else.

  2. Chris Avatar

    8 miles on Saturday, eh? I’ve gotta go 5 or 6. We’ll have to find some way to coordinate 🙂

  3. Kevin Avatar

    I have been very lazy too. I could come up with a list of excuses, but that does no one any good. I think we need to keep each other in check and encourage. Thanks for the running post, Melissa and I look forward to running with you soon!

  4. Justin Avatar

    Looks like you need a revised goal. Last year it was to complete your marathon. You know you’re going to complete your Half, so it would seem you need a time goal. 2 hours (9:10 pace)? 1:50 (8:25 pace)?

    Welcome back. Time to get busy.

  5. Staci Avatar

    I am feeling so lazy! I have not done anything thise week, and I do not want to! I do not know what is the matter with me 🙁
    .-= Staci´s last blog ..Crying Like a Baby =-.

  6. Whitney Avatar

    I can’t bring myself to do ANYTHING outside let alone run at all. Dog walkies are sorely neglected. I can’t wait for spring. Even if I wanted to… The trails got decimated by the snowpocalypse. They’ve barely started clearing the debris.
    .-= Whitney´s last blog ..[C25K] Beginning of Week 2 =-.

  7. Yuri @ urbanvox HQ Avatar

    I sooooooooo need to get my arse into gear too!!!
    .-= Yuri @ urbanvox HQ´s last blog ..The one where all my trousers shrunk 0_o =-.

  8. Mary Beth Avatar I have very low expectations for myself. I am hoping someday to do a 5K. Maybe before I turn 50 in a few years. I am so slow, but I do love having goals. Congrats on your goal of health and fitness – that is worthy!
    .-= Mary Beth´s last blog ..Kickball =-.

  9. Crystal Avatar

    YES YES YES me too, especially while remodeling the house and Dr.’s order to not run, doing anything else is so hard!