How about a threesome?*

The great thing about social networking is that you can meet others that have similar interests to you. Because of that, I have lots of graphic designers who are also runners on my social radar – and it’s awesome!

I got to meet one of these designer/runner types yesterday (trust me, there are a lot more of us than you think.) Kim works for a graphic design company in Athens. Feels weird to say I met her because I have been chatting with her for months on Twitter and through email. She’s a triathlete, so on our 4-mile run yesterday, I picked her brain about all things triathlons.

Oh yeah, that headline is about triathlons. Why, what were you thinking?

She was also kind enough to share this book with me, which I can’t wait to read:

 Additionally, she helped to calm my brain about the things that have been bugging me about triathlons:

What if I look like a fish out of water in the water? The answer is the swim only takes a few minutes – 10 -15 if I’m really slow. Well, I can look like an idiot for 10 minutes, no problem. I do it all the time in other avenues of life …

What if I do something silly like ride side by side with someone if I’m not supposed to? The book will tell you all of that.

What if I am totally uncoordinated in the transition area and too slow? Who cares, you’re not trying to win, right? You’re just trying to finish. Take all the time you need.

My brother’s really really slow at the swimming part in races but when I go swimming with him he’s like 10x faster than me. Again, who cares? Swim behind him and draft from him then, Kim said. (I added, “Maybe I’ll hold on to him and make him pull me!” How does that sound, Kevin?)

She talked to me about brick workouts (two workouts in a row, such as biking, then running, to get used to the feeling of running after using my legs on a bike). Interestingly enough, I was doing those workouts last summer for no reason other than I didn’t want to drive to the running trail, so I would bike to it. When I told Kevin this he told me I was doing bricks and I’m all, “I’m doing what?”

I’ve been pretty noncommittal about the idea of a triathlon, telling Kevin and Scott if they want me to do it they better teach me some things on the bike and in the water. But truthfully, I think I can do it. Will I come in last? Maybe. But who cares, right?

So, stick with me and we’ll see what happens!

*Kevin has a bumper sticker on his car that says this, with a swimmer, cyclist and runner on it. And I figured it’d make you click the link!



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