Tag: swimming

  • Miles daily eventually = miles yearly

    So, I used to post on Facebook and Twitter every time I would work out. And then I decided that was just obnoxious. So I try to save those workout posts only for something special, and I’ve moved my daily workout ramblings over to Daily Mile, where everyone is allowed to talk about their workouts…

  • Miles daily eventually = miles yearly

    So, I used to post on Facebook and Twitter every time I would work out. And then I decided that was just obnoxious. So I try to save those workout posts only for something special, and I’ve moved my daily workout ramblings over to Daily Mile, where everyone is allowed to talk about their workouts…

  • One last thought …

    … for 2010. According to Daily Mile, here are my workout stats for 2010. Distance run/walked/cycled, etc: 1,182.37 miles Farthest running mileage: 26.8 miles Fastest running pace: 7:11 minute mile Bring it, 2011!

  • One last thought …

    … for 2010. According to Daily Mile, here are my workout stats for 2010. Distance run/walked/cycled, etc: 1,182.37 miles Farthest running mileage: 26.8 miles Fastest running pace: 7:11 minute mile Bring it, 2011!

  • Belly button logic

    I saw this story on the Today show about how the placement of one’s belly button, whether high or low, will determine swimming and running ability. A higher-placed belly button makes for a better runner, a lower-placed one makes a better swimmer. I thought this article was super interesting until I realized I have no…

  • Nothing to be scared of here

    Ok, so I’m still working on my full race report from my Very First Triathlon … I know you are anxiously awaiting all those minor details that probably no one cares about unless they are crazy enough to think these things are fun … But while I’m getting all the other stuff together, I wanted…

  • Tomorrow, I get to play

    First triathlon tomorrow. I feel ready and not ready, all at the same time. I know this much: I love it already. Even if tomorrow blows, I’m still enjoying the multi-sport workouts and all the good that comes with it. I’m sold! And, I’m super-stoked that Scott’s mom is coming to this one – I…

  • Tomorrow, I get to play

    First triathlon tomorrow. I feel ready and not ready, all at the same time. I know this much: I love it already. Even if tomorrow blows, I’m still enjoying the multi-sport workouts and all the good that comes with it. I’m sold! And, I’m super-stoked that Scott’s mom is coming to this one – I…

  • Buying a bathing suit at Target while drunk

    So, I had the opportunity to attend another beer festival this past weekend in Rock Hill. This comes only two weeks after the festival in Athens that Chris took me to. I was super-stoked about this one – it was called “Mountain Jam Brew Fest” and it was advertised that people should bring tents to…

  • Shoe salesman with an agenda and other things

    Okay, I’ll try to keep this in nuggets because I feel like I have a lot of nothing to say. … Triathlon training update: = Swim: So, I found out my friend Sally used to be a swim coach. Told you about that the other day when I mentioned our relay team. She had me…

  • I’ll tri anything, once …

    So, Kevin is the awesomest brother in the world because he suggested a “fake triathlon” at our grandmother’s house (she lives on Lake Wylie.) This would help to ease my mind regarding any coordination issues that could with 3 sports in one event. Plus, it’d be a great excuse to try out my new tri suit!…

  • How about a threesome?*

    The great thing about social networking is that you can meet others that have similar interests to you. Because of that, I have lots of graphic designers who are also runners on my social radar – and it’s awesome! I got to meet one of these designer/runner types yesterday (trust me, there are a lot…

  • Swimming, biking, running, sunburn.

    Ok, I know I talk about working out waaaay too much on this blog, but this weekend was an extraordinary one so I just have to mention it. The running First I raced a 10K with Kevin, who totally kicked my butt (by 10 minutes) as he probably will with all races in the future.…