Tomorrow, I get to play

First triathlon tomorrow.

I feel ready and not ready, all at the same time.

I know this much: I love it already. Even if tomorrow blows, I’m still enjoying the multi-sport workouts and all the good that comes with it. I’m sold!

And, I’m super-stoked that Scott’s mom is coming to this one – I joked that she was coming to see me and not Scott, and Scott said she actually did pick this one of his because it’s my first one. That one brought tears to my eyes.

Can’t wait to be at a triathlon where I’m actually a participant and not a spectator!






3 responses to “Tomorrow, I get to play”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    Good luck tomorrow! Will be thinking about you 🙂

  2. Jessica Avatar

    Good luck tomorrow! Will be thinking about you 🙂

  3. Whitney Avatar

    Good luck and have fun!! You will always be my inspiration to push harder and go further. You amaze me!!