When lack of communication is actually good …

The good thing about beginning marathon training on the West Coast is the flat ground and dry heat.

The bad thing about it is re-entering the SouthEast, and while everyone else is grateful that the humidity is finally starting to break, I walk outside and can barely breathe. Acclimating = fun times.

The lucky thing about having a sister who is a runner (and a kick-ass runner at that) is not having to face the hills and humidity alone. She accompanied me on a three-mile run on Thursday in her very hilly neighborhood in Greenville.

I warned her that I was going to slow her down, as I was not used to hills. She warned me that she was going to slow me down, as she’d not had time to run since she’s a new mom. So, we set out together, both of us questioning our abilities.

We ran for about a mile, and then there was a hill to run up. Pretty much straight up. And we went for it. And she was running so fast, I was just trying to keep up, not slow her down. And so I held my own, as much as I didn’t feel want to. And then, right before I asked for a walk break, I glanced at my watch. We’d been running 8:28 mile, and it had been a tough hill.

During that walk break I commented to her, “We were keeping a pretty good pace for that hill.”

“Yeah,” she said. “You were running really fast.”

“Me? I was just keeping up with you!”

“No!” she said, “I was trying to keep up with you!”

This is what sisters are for. I told her we should race together, in that case!



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3 responses to “When lack of communication is actually good …”

  1. Kevin Avatar

    You guys were just trying to keep the stellar pace that your brother would be keeping if he were allowed to run… 😉

  2. Anil K Avatar
    Anil K

    You’re Welcome

  3. Crystal Avatar

    That’s awesome ladies. Keep up the good work!