You can be fat and lazy as long as your friends are not

You know someone really gets you when all you have to do is send this text:

“I’m fat and lazy.”

That was my appeal for help to Scott on Monday. I’ve been so busy with various work projects that I haven’t had time to work out. Which I realize is absolutely an excuse. No matter how busy I am, I can and should make time for 30-60 minutes for my health. It needs to be a priority. But the past week or so, it hasn’t been. In fact, I only ran one time last week, for 5 miles.

And the irony of the whole thing is a workout can be a great way to recharge on the work front, too. I often get some of my favorite ideas while brainstorming during a run.

But alas, I hadn’t done it. And Scott gets it. Not because he ever even goes a day without working out (he literally exercises more than anyone I know) but he knew exactly what I was saying to him with that text.

Less than 24 hours later, we were at Six Mile Creek enjoying each other’s company during a 5-mile run. In fact, I almost punked out at 4 miles but he went ahead, which motivated me to chase after him in the dark to let him know I’d decided to go for one more mile, after all.

That’s when you know someone really gets you. When I need to run and he simply tells me where and when he’ll be joining me. When I want to run less and he sticks to our original goal, which is absolutely the best way to motivate me.

And today? I feel skinny and strong. I’m not fat and lazy; I’m a runner. No, one run didn’t create that. But one run after a string of off days? Sometimes that’s all it takes.



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2 responses to “You can be fat and lazy as long as your friends are not”

  1. Scott Avatar

    Always enjoy running, chatting, and brainstorming with you, Mello!
    I MAY exercise more than anyone you know, but I’ll bet I EAT more than anyone you know as well! 🙂

  2. Colleen Avatar

    I wish I could run with you guys! So proud of you both!