Today’s topic: Running fast vs. running long.
I tell people all the time, “I would rather run a marathon than run a 5K.” And I’m sorta serious. I feel like running a marathon, while I’m still a bundle of nerves leading up to it, is really one of the most zen experiences one can have. It’s just you, your legs and the road for hours. Might as well settle in. Once I get past the first mile or two, I actually enjoy myself (until about mile 20 or so!)
In contrast, a 5K is terrible. You have to start fast. You have to stay fast. You have to be fast uphill. You have to be super fast downhill. You better only get water if you’re literally dying. You have to finish fast. And only then can you relax.
I also feel that the training for a marathon is really just as intensive as the training for a half marathon. When I’m training for a full, I find running a half is easy, and running 26.2 miles is really hard. When I’m training for a half, I find that running a10K is easy, and running 13.1 miles is really hard. When I’m training for a 10K … you get the picture. So, I figure, might as well train for the full, get all the glory and the calorie burn that goes along with it!

Make sure to check out Quinn’s blog about the same topic here. Also, want to run Charlotte Marathon with us? Quinn is running the half, and I’ll probably torture myself with the full again (marathon #4!). If you want to run it, sign up here and use the code quinnrey.
Special thanks to Mariel for the photography and styling for this post. My shirt says “grateful every damn day”. The pants I’m wearing were so breathable, I was shocked when I went for a run and a hot yoga class and wasn’t dying (I’ll talk more about that in a few posts!) Both items are from Think Allways, a local brand. Bonus! Check out Quinn’s tank, too, which says “Think Confidence“.
Because as we all know, confidence and gratitude make up 90 percent of race day!