Tag: Heather

  • Weddings, babies, surgeries, life …

    So, you wouldn’t know it by reading this blog, but other things have been going on besides the fact that I fell on my face and have spent the past few weeks recovering. Who knew?? So, in a nutshell, here’s some other things that have been going on: = My brother had back surgery. You…

  • At least I don’t faint from having sex …

    Ok, so where were we … sorry I keep getting tired and unable to finish my story! I told you about fainting, and I showed you my awful face, and I told you about how wonderful CMC Mercy is. So, silly me thought I’d just be at CMC Mercy for a few hours while they…

  • At least I don’t faint from having sex …

    Ok, so where were we … sorry I keep getting tired and unable to finish my story! I told you about fainting, and I showed you my awful face, and I told you about how wonderful CMC Mercy is. So, silly me thought I’d just be at CMC Mercy for a few hours while they…

  • How did you meet [insert friend’s name here]?

    I met Scott while running.  I met Heather on Twitter while we were both participating in National Novel Writing Month. I met Anil at a pool party. I met Beth through reading her blog and her reading mine. I met Michael when he quizzed Twitter about the viability of platonic make-out parties. I met Megan at a…

  • How did you meet [insert friend’s name here]?

    I met Scott while running.  I met Heather on Twitter while we were both participating in National Novel Writing Month. I met Anil at a pool party. I met Beth through reading her blog and her reading mine. I met Michael when he quizzed Twitter about the viability of platonic make-out parties. I met Megan at a…

  • Why I’m a sucky gift giver right now

    Birthday spoiler alert warning for Elwood, Heather and Michael. I pride myself in being able to pick out gifts for people. I call it a, uhm, gift, if you will. Which is why it was so sucky for me in December when I could not, for the life of me, think of what to get…

  • Why I’m a sucky gift giver right now

    Birthday spoiler alert warning for Elwood, Heather and Michael. I pride myself in being able to pick out gifts for people. I call it a, uhm, gift, if you will. Which is why it was so sucky for me in December when I could not, for the life of me, think of what to get…

  • Why I blog about running so much

    Three reasons: 1. Amy: 2. Whitney:     3. Heather: I have gotten some criticism about writing too much about exercising, and I was told one of my posts even resembled an REI catalog (which it so did.) So I have been curbing the workout talk, but when I read the above posts, I am so full…

  • I hope you have the time of your life …

    These are good times, my friends. Good times. As I prepare to run the longest run of my entire life in 3 days, my job this week has been to relax and be stress-free. And you know what I’ve realized? It’s really not that difficult. There is a lot to be happy about. Whether I’m …

  • You see, the trailer was stolen and it’s not your fault but it is your fault …

    It all started with a Twitter conversation: Heather: U-Haul is officially the devil. They’re not getting my money. Me: @baronessheather I have rarely had good experiences with u-haul. Good call. Heather: @melissaoyler They just more than doubled the quoted price I got yesterday by inventing all kinds of extra charges and fees. Hell with them.…

  • You see, the trailer was stolen and it’s not your fault but it is your fault …

    It all started with a Twitter conversation: Heather: U-Haul is officially the devil. They’re not getting my money. Me: @baronessheather I have rarely had good experiences with u-haul. Good call. Heather: @melissaoyler They just more than doubled the quoted price I got yesterday by inventing all kinds of extra charges and fees. Hell with them.…

  • I don’t love shoes like most girls

    I mean, I like shoes, don’t get me wrong. But love them? When Jeff first organized our closet he gave me an entire cubby for my shoes. I was in heaven! Organized all my shoes and gave them their own little spot. Then I showed Colleen the closet and she said, “Is that all your…

  • Why do I ask what you think if it doesn’t matter?

    Heather chopped off several inches of her hair recently and it looks phenomenal. Of course, a new haircut is always strangest for the person who owns the hair – I know, as I’ve had many different hairstyles over the years … Which makes me think about my haircut theory. A decision so major as to whether…

  • Why do I ask what you think if it doesn’t matter?

    Heather chopped off several inches of her hair recently and it looks phenomenal. Of course, a new haircut is always strangest for the person who owns the hair – I know, as I’ve had many different hairstyles over the years … Which makes me think about my haircut theory. A decision so major as to whether…

  • Happy (belated) birthday, Heather!

    So I was trying to decide whether to post what I was getting Heather for her birthday since it was going to arrive late. But it arrived this morning at her house so I will wait for her to find it and unwrap it! Meantime, I wanted to say happy belated birthday (for the record,…

  • No sex. No chasing the dog. No future talk.

    So today is the big day: Today is the day I bundle up in the warmest, lightest-weight clothes I have and go sleep in the woods. In the winter. Like a crazy person or a hobo although I am neither (the crazy person part is arguable.) My fellow crazy persons in crime turned out to…

  • No sex. No chasing the dog. No future talk.

    So today is the big day: Today is the day I bundle up in the warmest, lightest-weight clothes I have and go sleep in the woods. In the winter. Like a crazy person or a hobo although I am neither (the crazy person part is arguable.) My fellow crazy persons in crime turned out to…

  • Searching for footing

    I am riding in the car on the way home from Greensboro, N.C., where I have been tagging along with Jeff for two days while he went on a work trip and I went with him to relax and play in the hotel. Instead of relaxing and playing, I was hit hard with some news…

  • Searching for footing

    I am riding in the car on the way home from Greensboro, N.C., where I have been tagging along with Jeff for two days while he went on a work trip and I went with him to relax and play in the hotel. Instead of relaxing and playing, I was hit hard with some news…

  • I’ve been tagged

      Amy tagged me for this … Here are the RULES: Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules in your post. Share 7 random/weird facts about yourself.  1. I’ve never been tagged before, until now. Not on MySpace or anything. I’ve always been kinda sad to see others tagged. So thanks, Amy!…

  • I’ve been tagged

      Amy tagged me for this … Here are the RULES: Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules in your post. Share 7 random/weird facts about yourself.  1. I’ve never been tagged before, until now. Not on MySpace or anything. I’ve always been kinda sad to see others tagged. So thanks, Amy!…