Tag: Terrapin

  • What’s a little sweat between friends?

    Forgive the bad photos on this post. We were in a hurry to go running, the sun was bright, and stuff. To tell this story I first have to tell you about my friend Beth. Beth found my blog several months ago. She was training for the Thunder Road Marathon, and in searching for information…

  • What’s a little sweat between friends?

    Forgive the bad photos on this post. We were in a hurry to go running, the sun was bright, and stuff. To tell this story I first have to tell you about my friend Beth. Beth found my blog several months ago. She was training for the Thunder Road Marathon, and in searching for information…

  • What’s next?

    So you guys want to know what’s next after the Thunder Road Marathon, huh? Me too. I’m still in recovery and taking it easy but I can’t wait to get back out there. The first official thing on the calendar is our annual Mount Mitchell winter trip. It’s coming up in a couple of weeks,…

  • What’s next?

    So you guys want to know what’s next after the Thunder Road Marathon, huh? Me too. I’m still in recovery and taking it easy but I can’t wait to get back out there. The first official thing on the calendar is our annual Mount Mitchell winter trip. It’s coming up in a couple of weeks,…

  • On blue hair and beer helmets

    I’ve run in 5 races now (3 this year) and one could say they all start to run together except – they don’t. At least not yet, not for me. I remember each step of each one, who I was with, where the difficult hills were, who was cheering me on at the end. This…

  • So, did you hear the one about how running adds 16 years to one’s life? …

    A conversation between siblings last week: Kevin: I’ve decided to take up running. I can run about 20 minutes now without stopping. Me: That’s awesome! We’re doing a 4.1 mile race in Athens in April. It’s hosted by the local brewery and it’s at 4 in the afternoon, which means I don’t have to get…

  • So, did you hear the one about how running adds 16 years to one’s life? …

    A conversation between siblings last week: Kevin: I’ve decided to take up running. I can run about 20 minutes now without stopping. Me: That’s awesome! We’re doing a 4.1 mile race in Athens in April. It’s hosted by the local brewery and it’s at 4 in the afternoon, which means I don’t have to get…