Tag: mom

  • I did it. What’s next?

    I am a half-marathoner. I did it. And I can honestly say it could not have gone any better. The weather was absolutely perfect (overcast and rainy, around 60 degrees) for the Spinx Runfest Half Marathon in Greenville, SC. My clothes were perfect, nothing was rubbing or hurting or cutting or annoying. The new race…

  • One blink, and it’s 1983

    Last night I dreamed I was 5 years old. I was at my parents’ old house on Silverwood Drive, the one with wood paneling walls and linoleum everywhere. My brother was a baby, sitting in his high chair, getting spoon-fed by my mom (ok, so he would have been nursing probably. My timing is off.…

  • One blink, and it’s 1983

    Last night I dreamed I was 5 years old. I was at my parents’ old house on Silverwood Drive, the one with wood paneling walls and linoleum everywhere. My brother was a baby, sitting in his high chair, getting spoon-fed by my mom (ok, so he would have been nursing probably. My timing is off.…

  • What’s wrong with drinking bath water, anyway?

    Kids. I don’t have any. I don’t want any. But don’t say I don’t love them. I absolutely love them. I’ve spent the past few days babysitting for my nieces (ages 3 and 1) while Kevin and Jenn are on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico), and I have learned a few things about kids: =…

  • What’s wrong with drinking bath water, anyway?

    Kids. I don’t have any. I don’t want any. But don’t say I don’t love them. I absolutely love them. I’ve spent the past few days babysitting for my nieces (ages 3 and 1) while Kevin and Jenn are on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico), and I have learned a few things about kids: =…

  • No idle hands at this house

    This weekend, in pictures and thoughts: The run: I didn’t take pictures of everything, of course. I didn’t photograph me waking up at 4:30 a.m. just to get my run in because I knew I had a busy day ahead. I was home before the sun came up, so it would have been a picture…

  • Help me be clever

    Kevin, Jenny, Chuck and I are talking about running the 2010 Cooper River Bridge Run together. This is so special to me as I have fond memories of my first and only bridge run, with Jenny, in 2008. (Want to see how far Kevin has come? Check out his comment on that post!) I’m going…

  • The strength to keep going

    This was not my race to run, and when I approached the team van near the end of it and saw the physical pain written all over their faces – I was both relieved and jealous I hadn’t been a part of it. This race falls into the category of “insane.” When I asked veteran…

  • Drunk and pregnant

    My grandmother – we called her Grandmama – was very poised and proper. She was the only adult I knew that would sleep until 10 a.m. (I must take after her), then stroll out of her bedroom in her silk nightgown, her hair done, and enjoy her cup of coffee in an actual teacup and…

  • Things ive learned in texas

    My time in Texas has been way too short, and it’s been all work and no play (unless you count running as play, which I sort of do.) I was excited to come here as the only other time I’ve been to Texas has been on a layover at the Houston airport. However, I’m not…

  • Items I have found while helping my parents move

    – a cassette tape labeled, in my handwriting, “Dad’s cool mix.” I haven’t yet uncovered a tape player to see what’s on this gem. – a framed photo of me as a child asleep on a training potty, my wonder woman panties around my ankle and a book in my lap. My grandmother had this…

  • So I had this dream last night …

    Just kidding, I’m not going there (for you non-Facebookers, I posted that I had weird, good dreams and it was requested that I blog about it – which I will not do, since Lance’s young ears would be disturbed … wait, Lance, I thought you were older than me!) I was told it might be…

  • So I had this dream last night …

    Just kidding, I’m not going there (for you non-Facebookers, I posted that I had weird, good dreams and it was requested that I blog about it – which I will not do, since Lance’s young ears would be disturbed … wait, Lance, I thought you were older than me!) I was told it might be…

  • What not to say in the bathroom

    Driving halfway across the country with my parents is both interesting and reminiscent of car trips when younger. We are driving to Texas so we can pack up their home so they can move back East. But of course I am thinking o summers spent traveling to visit family out west. It is strange not…

  • What not to say in the bathroom

    Driving halfway across the country with my parents is both interesting and reminiscent of car trips when younger. We are driving to Texas so we can pack up their home so they can move back East. But of course I am thinking o summers spent traveling to visit family out west. It is strange not…

  • My parents

    Whitney recently showed off her new tattoo and wrote about how it was inadvertently her dad’s idea, even though he hates tattoos. Of course, as I was reading this very entertaining tale (seriously, check it out), I couldn’t help but think of my own parents and their relationship with my tattoos … You can see…

  • My parents

    Whitney recently showed off her new tattoo and wrote about how it was inadvertently her dad’s idea, even though he hates tattoos. Of course, as I was reading this very entertaining tale (seriously, check it out), I couldn’t help but think of my own parents and their relationship with my tattoos … You can see…

  • The child becomes the mother. The sister becomes the aunt. And history repeats.

    Today, my baby sister will become a mother. How is this possible? I remember the day I met Jenny, the day I became a big sister. My grandmother brought me a doll to give to Jenny, and it became my first gift to her. I felt very big sister about the whole thing, and given…

  • She showed me how to love, even when it hurts

    My mom used to stick her hand in my mouth knowing I would bite her. That’s love. When I was 12 we trekked all over the Charlotte area looking for the perfect orthodontist. My mom’s dad was a dentist and teeth have always been pretty important in our family. An orthodontist in Hickory offered free…

  • Uninvited dinner party guest (wait, that’s me)

    Thirty-one years ago today my parents decided to host a dinner party in which I would become the uninvited guest. My mom’s due date was April 30, not March 30, so when she went to the bathroom and there was blood everywhere to say there was a cause for concern would be quite an understatement. I…

  • Cold hands, cold hiking, and I miss my mom

    Apologies if this doesn’t make much sense. I’m on deadline and I’m sleep deprived. I asked Chris what I should blog about and he said “cold hands make it hard to type.” Which is true – I make a lot more typos when I’m cold. So apologies to those of you who Instant Message with me, because…

  • Blue cheese, the Yankees and road trips

    About 30 years ago my dad bawled like a baby when he held me for the first time. Has he told me this? No, but I know it must be certain. My mom had to undergo a C-section with me because I would have been breech. I was a month early, and apparently I decided…

  • Blue cheese, the Yankees and road trips

    About 30 years ago my dad bawled like a baby when he held me for the first time. Has he told me this? No, but I know it must be certain. My mom had to undergo a C-section with me because I would have been breech. I was a month early, and apparently I decided…