Tag: tattoo

  • 7-Day Art Challenge Day 6: Photo shoots

    My friend Tamera tagged me in a 7-day art challenge recently. The rules are simple: post 7 pieces of art on social media and talk about them. So far with my posts, we’ve visited the darkroom, the newsroom, a magazine startup, poetry, and book cover design. Today I want to talk about the beauty that is the photo shoot.…

  • Belly button logic

    I saw this story on the Today show about how the placement of one’s belly button, whether high or low, will determine swimming and running ability. A higher-placed belly button makes for a better runner, a lower-placed one makes a better swimmer. I thought this article was super interesting until I realized I have no…

  • You are a bad influence on me

    Yesterday I posted this on both Twitter and Facebook: And it’s true – it’s something I’ve been thinking about wanting for a long time – but of course, it’s a huge decision to make – bigger than any other tattoo decision I’ve made thus far (see my other tattoos here). And every time I see…

  • My parents

    Whitney recently showed off her new tattoo and wrote about how it was inadvertently her dad’s idea, even though he hates tattoos. Of course, as I was reading this very entertaining tale (seriously, check it out), I couldn’t help but think of my own parents and their relationship with my tattoos … You can see…

  • My parents

    Whitney recently showed off her new tattoo and wrote about how it was inadvertently her dad’s idea, even though he hates tattoos. Of course, as I was reading this very entertaining tale (seriously, check it out), I couldn’t help but think of my own parents and their relationship with my tattoos … You can see…

  • A random tattoo question

    Most of the time when I tell people this they think it’s my imagination. But I swear it’s not. So I want to know if anyone else with tattoos has experienced this: Sometimes when my feet get really cold my tattoo on my foot hurts. Not my whole foot, just the tattoo. The skin feels…

  • A random tattoo question

    Most of the time when I tell people this they think it’s my imagination. But I swear it’s not. So I want to know if anyone else with tattoos has experienced this: Sometimes when my feet get really cold my tattoo on my foot hurts. Not my whole foot, just the tattoo. The skin feels…

  • Wearing my heart on my sleeve (or my turtle on my back.)

    I recently landed on a post by BusyDad about his tattoos and the story behind them. Inspired me to want to tell you about my own tattoos and their stories. I have 3 of them (or 4 or 5, depending on how you look at it), and like BusyDad, I like that I can easily…

  • Wearing my heart on my sleeve (or my turtle on my back.)

    I recently landed on a post by BusyDad about his tattoos and the story behind them. Inspired me to want to tell you about my own tattoos and their stories. I have 3 of them (or 4 or 5, depending on how you look at it), and like BusyDad, I like that I can easily…

  • “I designed my own …”

    As a graphic designer who does custom commissioned work, my job is to listen to my clients and create designs based on their wants and needs. I am not a puppet reproducing the work exactly as they request it; I am adding my own style to each piece and making certain that the pieces are…

  • “I designed my own …”

    As a graphic designer who does custom commissioned work, my job is to listen to my clients and create designs based on their wants and needs. I am not a puppet reproducing the work exactly as they request it; I am adding my own style to each piece and making certain that the pieces are…

  • Tattoos on a Saturday afternoon

    Your vision is one in the making three years of thoughts you talk of third eyes and Egyptian symbols I don’t even pretend to understand I offer my hand but you don’t need it say it doesn’t even hurt but it knocked the world out of me She walks in without a plan but by…

  • Tattoos on a Saturday afternoon

    Your vision is one in the making three years of thoughts you talk of third eyes and Egyptian symbols I don’t even pretend to understand I offer my hand but you don’t need it say it doesn’t even hurt but it knocked the world out of me She walks in without a plan but by…

  • Needles

    It was in the middle of her bedroom, my grandmother’s Singer Sewing machine. She never used it, not that I know of anyway I used to check the color of the spindle thread for years it was tangerine later faded to peach I always wondered why her sewing table had a gas pedal like the…