Tag: Diamonds Lies and Alibis

  • Update on my novel (no, I haven’t forgotten about it)

    I say I haven’t forgotten about my book that I have written, but I have regrettably put it on the back burner this year – but it’s not to stay there for long! My intent was to go through an edit on screen, and add scenes as needed, and then make a proof copy and…

  • #nanowrimo book editing time

    Just wanted to give a status update on my book. My book!! (I cheer a little inside every time I say that.) For those who haven’t been listening to me chat incessantly for the past month or so, I’ll recap: I wrote a book last month. Yep, a book. Yep, in a month. I participated in…

  • I am a novelist.

                        I wrote a book! I did it. I won! 50,000 words in 30 days? Piece of cake. Walk in the park. Easy as pie. (I say that now that it’s over …) Forgive me, for I may not write much more today … For some…

  • I am a novelist.

                        I wrote a book! I did it. I won! 50,000 words in 30 days? Piece of cake. Walk in the park. Easy as pie. (I say that now that it’s over …) Forgive me, for I may not write much more today … For some…

  • #nanowrimo excerpt: On hickeys

    Another phone call from Kylie of course meant another moment of drama. “How do you get rid of a hickey?” she asked. “Who gave you a hickey?” Erykah asked back. “Um, it doesn’t matter. I just need to know how to get rid of it.” “Kylie, that is sooo trashy. Why would you let someone…

  • #nanowrimo excerpt: On hickeys

    Another phone call from Kylie of course meant another moment of drama. “How do you get rid of a hickey?” she asked. “Who gave you a hickey?” Erykah asked back. “Um, it doesn’t matter. I just need to know how to get rid of it.” “Kylie, that is sooo trashy. Why would you let someone…

  • #nanowrimo excerpt: Diamonds, Lies, and Alibis

    She couldn’t let him break her heart, not again, she decided in an instant. “Hey Ryan, thanks for coming over,” she said. “It really means a lot to me that you came to check on me. I think I need to be alone now, though.” She held her breath, praying for him to insist he…

  • #nanowrimo excerpt: Diamonds, Lies, and Alibis

    She couldn’t let him break her heart, not again, she decided in an instant. “Hey Ryan, thanks for coming over,” she said. “It really means a lot to me that you came to check on me. I think I need to be alone now, though.” She held her breath, praying for him to insist he…

  • #nanowrimo: The sex scene you asked for

    Of course I can’t give you the entire scene! And I almost didn’t even give you this, lest it give away part of the plot. So it’s short and it’s merely the foreplay, but foreplay is better than nothing, right?   Austin adjusted the thermostat and then grabbed two cheap beers from the fridge. He…

  • #nanowrimo: The sex scene you asked for

    Of course I can’t give you the entire scene! And I almost didn’t even give you this, lest it give away part of the plot. So it’s short and it’s merely the foreplay, but foreplay is better than nothing, right?   Austin adjusted the thermostat and then grabbed two cheap beers from the fridge. He…

  • #nanowrimo excerpt: Diamonds, Lies, and Alibis

    Despite the melodrama, magic was definitely in the air this evening: even Erykah and Ryan were feeling it. Drunk off of champagne and the promise of a new beginning, as the ball began to drop, Ryan leaned over and whispered in Erykah’s ear, “You know I will always love you, right?” And in that moment,…

  • #nanowrimo excerpt: Diamonds, Lies, and Alibis

    Despite the melodrama, magic was definitely in the air this evening: even Erykah and Ryan were feeling it. Drunk off of champagne and the promise of a new beginning, as the ball began to drop, Ryan leaned over and whispered in Erykah’s ear, “You know I will always love you, right?” And in that moment,…

  • #nanowrimo: Who are these people in my head? On the page?

    I am 11 days into writing my novel for National Novel Writing Month, and as far as word count goes, I am right on track. I was hoping to be ahead at this point but as it is, I’m just able to stay on track. My plot outline is unfolding just as I planned, but…

  • Diamonds, Lies, and Alibis excerpt (#nanowrimo)

    Was going to send you here to read, but their site has problems crashing during November so you can also read below:   The two sat in silence for several moments, enjoying each other’s company and speaking without words. They always had this way of feeling the other’s presence and moods, and tonight was no exception:…

  • Diamonds, Lies, and Alibis excerpt (#nanowrimo)

    Was going to send you here to read, but their site has problems crashing during November so you can also read below:   The two sat in silence for several moments, enjoying each other’s company and speaking without words. They always had this way of feeling the other’s presence and moods, and tonight was no exception:…