Tag: love

  • “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

    I had a dream last night that I saw an old boyfriend from high school/college. He was still driving the beat-up 1970s VW that he had for a little while when we dated. Even in my dream, I was amazed that thing was still running. I have no idea where we were – but the…

  • Don’t say you love me, not like that

    So we know this much: We’re supposed to always tell our loved ones what they mean to us. Because sometimes tomorrow isn’t what we think it will be, and it’s important for us to know that we’ve said all the I love yous we need to say, just in case. But what about saying it too…

  • She showed me how to love, even when it hurts

    My mom used to stick her hand in my mouth knowing I would bite her. That’s love. When I was 12 we trekked all over the Charlotte area looking for the perfect orthodontist. My mom’s dad was a dentist and teeth have always been pretty important in our family. An orthodontist in Hickory offered free…

  • What better way to celebrate love …

    than with poetry? I bring you love poems written by the very talented writers on poetryassignment.com. Some poems are romantic, some are sad, some know just how to drive that knife in a little deeper – but they are all from the heart, and worth checking out this Valentine’s Day! Here’s an idea – write…

  • What makes someone fall in love with one person over another?

    So I saw a preview for a 20/20 episode about “The Science of Love” and I knew I had to watch it. Scientists have figured out, chemically, what happens to your brain when you fall in love. They’ve determined, based on personality type, who we fall in love with and why. Pretty interesting! The TV…

  • Sex talk: Open book or be discreet?

    I am a very inquisitive person. If a question pops in my head and I feel like I know you well enough, I will ask it. Sometimes I preface it with “This might be TMI, but …” but truthfully, if I thought it was TMI, I wouldn’t ask. I’m just saying that so you won’t…

  • Sex talk: Open book or be discreet?

    I am a very inquisitive person. If a question pops in my head and I feel like I know you well enough, I will ask it. Sometimes I preface it with “This might be TMI, but …” but truthfully, if I thought it was TMI, I wouldn’t ask. I’m just saying that so you won’t…

  • Let’s talk about flirting.

    “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but in an extreme friendship not-if-you-were-the-last-girl-on-Earth kind of way, I think you are sort of pretty. Platonically pretty.” Is there a double standard when it comes to how women are allowed to flirt vs. how men are allowed to flirt? I say yes. I think women can get…

  • Exhilaration of a new love

    Eyes lock across a crowded world and hers – certainly a crowded heart but she will make room for him against all of the rules “I love you” they’ll say – but not too much “I want you” they’ll write and then they get to explain what that means Does the pot of gold actually…

  • Going to the gym on the day of their divorce

    In those final days before the end she stopped picking apart his every move saw their time together for what it was this man that she had loved and known But today it is time to choose divorce or devotion, love or lose They pack their gym bags and head out Exercise side by side…

  • Going to the gym on the day of their divorce

    In those final days before the end she stopped picking apart his every move saw their time together for what it was this man that she had loved and known But today it is time to choose divorce or devotion, love or lose They pack their gym bags and head out Exercise side by side…

  • One by one

    The crinkled pages crumple under my fingers as I ball them up, one by one, and wish I had a match to make them unreadable. Fiercely I rip them, but not fast enough And I am here with a page of a first kiss to remind me. I cry and push the tears away and I’m angry that…

  • I cooked for him so he could cheat on me

    A memory It is 1995, and it’s picture day. The senior-year me has just been officially captured by camera, and I walk down the steps of the school auditorium, happy to be out of class and wondering how my photo looks. Sitting in one of the auditorium seats is Brian. I have been friends with…

  • Oh, did you actually want me to listen to what you were saying?

    Character traits I love: – Genuine interest and care for my well being. This includes bringing me into a conversation, asking me how my client meeting went or if my rough day got any better. – Hugs and other forms of affection (yes, I will accept the back rub you offer me.) – Little things you…

  • I took a tumble for you, dear

    Stairs are no object in this twisted game as heel slips off concrete Let’s call it an accident Dog leash wraps around ankles and calves Canines out of harm’s way and you are, too. It’s not my fault – I was tied up, don’t you see? If I tumble we all fall down. Hollow threats but…

  • Strip-poker summer

    In honor of Nanowrimo, (or perhaps to keep myself from cheating and using old material) I am publishing some short stories I wrote in college. Let me repeat: I wrote in college. Apologies in advance. I still remember the first time I ever pondered the concept of a one night stand.  April called to tell…

  • Strip-poker summer

    In honor of Nanowrimo, (or perhaps to keep myself from cheating and using old material) I am publishing some short stories I wrote in college. Let me repeat: I wrote in college. Apologies in advance. I still remember the first time I ever pondered the concept of a one night stand.  April called to tell…

  • Swindler of time

    “Is it too soon?” he asked, and the look on his face was genuine but about 5 minutes too late. “Too soon for what?” she retorted, and she rolled her eyes. “Too soon for you to break my heart? Yes, I suppose it is.” “Then I’ll be back,” he promised.

  • Swindler of time

    “Is it too soon?” he asked, and the look on his face was genuine but about 5 minutes too late. “Too soon for what?” she retorted, and she rolled her eyes. “Too soon for you to break my heart? Yes, I suppose it is.” “Then I’ll be back,” he promised.

  • Day One without you

    Even Italian coffee doesn’t warm this heart today because I drink it alone He is in the next room but he is not you He is a tea-drinker, may not be a perfect fit but I refuse to let myself think of coffee mugs yours and mine, together on shelf in our new home or the smell…

  • In 5 years (or more) I will not know you

    You will merely be a distant memory during a bleak time a mistake of the heart, a trick of the mind someone whose job was to tempt fate and twist me around and around until my soul fell down. In 5 years or more I will not remember the pain the heart knows how to build…

  • In 5 years (or more) I will not know you

    You will merely be a distant memory during a bleak time a mistake of the heart, a trick of the mind someone whose job was to tempt fate and twist me around and around until my soul fell down. In 5 years or more I will not remember the pain the heart knows how to build…

  • Getting drunk after Grandma’s funeral and other life lessons

    Lessons I have learned in my lifetime (thus far): – Sometimes “bite me” is the best response. – If you don’t have anything nice to say, sometimes that’s the best time to talk. – Kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises (read that in a poem in high school; it stuck.) – What…

  • How she knows he still loves her

    Sunrise walks across sleeping Children in their 20s still drunk On love and from the night before As he lays quietly feeling her Breathing steady back to him Snuggled she sleeps finally But only when he is there. In daylight she chases dreams He always said he wanted But he runs from her now Says…