Tag: Scott
All is right with the world if only I could sweat in my headphones
Here’s how I spent my time last week: 53 miles. All on my feet. So, I don’t have much to talk about other than running! (That screen shot is from Daily Mile; come friend me over there if you haven’t already.) So, that said, here are a few thoughts about running: = Does anyone have a…
How to stalk your friends
So, I spent the past week at the beach with my in-laws, so that’s my excuse for why I haven’t been blogging lately. Yes, there was wifi at the beach and yes, I had my laptop. It just couldn’t compete with the ocean and the sand and the breeze … We stayed at Camp Lejeune,…
I’m famous!
The Charlotte Running Club featured me as their spotlight runner this week. How cool is that? I recently joined the club, based on my friend Scott’s recommendation, and I look forward to checking out their group runs, etc., at some point. Although I haven’t had the chance to run with the Charlotte Running Club yet, their…
I’m famous!
The Charlotte Running Club featured me as their spotlight runner this week. How cool is that? I recently joined the club, based on my friend Scott’s recommendation, and I look forward to checking out their group runs, etc., at some point. Although I haven’t had the chance to run with the Charlotte Running Club yet, their…
Hard core and intimidating? Hardly
Much delayed, but I promised to share my experiences from my first triathlon, so here goes: There’s something that seems very hard-core and intimidating about a triathlete. Which is why I laughed in my brother’s face when he first suggested I race a triathlon. But the truth is, I very much wanted to become comfortable…
Tomorrow, I get to play
First triathlon tomorrow. I feel ready and not ready, all at the same time. I know this much: I love it already. Even if tomorrow blows, I’m still enjoying the multi-sport workouts and all the good that comes with it. I’m sold! And, I’m super-stoked that Scott’s mom is coming to this one – I…
Tomorrow, I get to play
First triathlon tomorrow. I feel ready and not ready, all at the same time. I know this much: I love it already. Even if tomorrow blows, I’m still enjoying the multi-sport workouts and all the good that comes with it. I’m sold! And, I’m super-stoked that Scott’s mom is coming to this one – I…
My first group ride that wasn’t
So, Scott invited me to go on a group ride at TrySports last night. I’d been a little scared to try these – I’m still pretty slow and even keeping up with their slow group could possibly be a challenge. But after the Ride of Silence I was pretty excited about getting to that point…
A tribute, a workout and a margarita
My first group ride was yesterday. And I can’t stop thinking about it. I mentioned it in yesterday’s post, and I was so nervous/excited about the thought of riding with a group that I hardly paused to think of the reason for the ride. I read Kevin’s blog post shortly before leaving the house and…
Going down this road is scarier than it has to be
I am by no means a cycling expert. In fact, I still consider myself very much a beginner. But in the short time I’ve spent chatting with people about cycling, I’ve noticed some misconceptions about the rules of the road. I told Amy I wanted to write a blog post and she mentioned that her…
If you promise free beer, you better deliver …
So, Charlotte Racefest happened. And I was there. And I ran. And I did way better than I thought I would. In fact, I was only about a minute and some change slower than the half marathon I ran in October, and I was more prepared for that one, and that one was less hilly.…
If you promise free beer, you better deliver …
So, Charlotte Racefest happened. And I was there. And I ran. And I did way better than I thought I would. In fact, I was only about a minute and some change slower than the half marathon I ran in October, and I was more prepared for that one, and that one was less hilly.…
Why I dropped my pants for the world to see
Okay, so I promised you the other day I’d tell you about dropping my pants. So I’ll start this blog post by telling you about that part. Scott, Jeff and I were hiking in the Great Basalm Mountains. During one break we were all standing on the trail and we heard a weird noise. Coming…
Why I dropped my pants for the world to see
Okay, so I promised you the other day I’d tell you about dropping my pants. So I’ll start this blog post by telling you about that part. Scott, Jeff and I were hiking in the Great Basalm Mountains. During one break we were all standing on the trail and we heard a weird noise. Coming…
Gear geeking
Okay, so I won’t tell you today about how I dropped my pants this past weekend – still waiting for Scott to send the pictures to accompany that story … — In the interim I’ll talk about being a running gear geek. If you’re not a runner, I apologize in advance but if you are a…
The world is my oyster (and so is Charlotte on a Tuesday night)
— It ain’t easy turning 32 on a Tuesday. I mean, who wants to go out on a school night? Well, apparently I have some of the coolest friends in the world because my birthday kicked ass and I didn’t even expect it to. We went to a hibachi grill for dinner (Kabuto), and beers…
I just ran 4 miles. It was harder than it should have been. All my runs lately are harder than they should be. Running partners, I need you. You haven’t seen me lately. Don’t let me get away with it. Make me run with you. Make me run with you a lot.
I just ran 4 miles. It was harder than it should have been. All my runs lately are harder than they should be. Running partners, I need you. You haven’t seen me lately. Don’t let me get away with it. Make me run with you. Make me run with you a lot.
On running a 5K while sick
First, let me say I’ve never had a cold that lasted as long as this one has (more than a week.) But by Saturday, it had been around for 6 days and I was feeling better and better. I was even well enough to meet Scott for a couple of drinks on Friday night. And…
On running a 5K while sick
First, let me say I’ve never had a cold that lasted as long as this one has (more than a week.) But by Saturday, it had been around for 6 days and I was feeling better and better. I was even well enough to meet Scott for a couple of drinks on Friday night. And…
They tried to make me go to rehab …
Where I’ve been the past few weeks: = I spent the week in Athens, Ga., visiting Chris. = On the way home from Athens, on a Sunday, I got the news that my grandmother was in the hospital. = I spent the better part of the next week at the hospital. My aunt, Josie, stayed with…
Friends who are active and famous, and hot tubs that get snowed on
First off, I want to say thank you for all the kind words and support last week. Having a heavy heart and no outlet is at times, lonely. But, things are not all bad. In the good-news department, I have some exciting things to report: Good friend news #1 My friend Michael, an actor, has landed…
Friends who are active and famous, and hot tubs that get snowed on
First off, I want to say thank you for all the kind words and support last week. Having a heavy heart and no outlet is at times, lonely. But, things are not all bad. In the good-news department, I have some exciting things to report: Good friend news #1 My friend Michael, an actor, has landed…
It’s only missing ‘smile if you need a spanking’ guy …
My friend Scott, who ran Thunder Road Marathon with me, sent me this video. (Update: It was also in the email sent by Thunder Road, so if you ran the race, you’ve seen it.) I’ve watched it 3 times already and with tears in my eyes the whole time. I want to share it with you so you can…