Category: Style

  • Come shopping with me (Old Navy will buy you a dress)

    So, Old Navy is awesome and sent me a coupon for a free dress – AND one for a friend. And I absolutely cannot pick which friend I should give it to. So I’ll make you pick for me. Here’s the deal – we have to take a photo of ourselves in our new dresses…

  • Ballantyne Goodwill: A great new place for bargains

    I’m not a Goodwill shopper. Mostly because I’m not a patient shopper. I can’t stand stores like TJ Maxx or Marshalls simply because you have to really invest some time and energy into finding good clothes. I much prefer Express or Old Navy or somewhere else that knows what I like and has it in…

  • MAC Cosmetics. Salon East 316. A girl’s dream day.

    I have a confession to make. I’ve pretty much been using the same makeup brands for as long as … well, for as long as I’ve been wearing makeup. I was hanging out with Amy one day and she commented that every time she smells Cover Girl powder she thinks of me since that’s what I…

  • A New Look: The Hair and the Blog

      I’m not the only one who got a new look today. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably seen that my blog has a new look, too. Take a look around; make yourself at home. Kick your shoes off and grab a beer if you want. 2011 was a great year, and a bad year,…

  • Action 9? Better Business Bureau? All I know, is don’t trust this woman with your items …

    On October 8, 2009, I dropped off several items to be consigned with It’s a Bridal Thing. At the time, it was located on 7512 E Independence Blvd, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28227. I spoke with the owner, Sonya Fogle, and she agreed to sell three items for me: a wedding dress, a veil, and…

  • The best coffee mugs ever …

    So, I kind of want to go on and on for a while about my coffee addiction. But that’s not the point of this post, so I won’t. Just know that I have one. And part of having one means that I am very particular about the type of coffee mug I like to drink…

  • We loved each other. We annoyed each other. We held each other up. We made each other better.

    The day after Bin Laden was killed, I was reminiscing about life when I was a newspaper designer. Since then, I’ve been reminiscing hard core about those days. The reason it’s on my mind is because a few former colleagues are planning a reunion, and I’m designing a digital commemorative newspaper for the event. So…

  • We loved each other. We annoyed each other. We held each other up. We made each other better.

    The day after Bin Laden was killed, I was reminiscing about life when I was a newspaper designer. Since then, I’ve been reminiscing hard core about those days. The reason it’s on my mind is because a few former colleagues are planning a reunion, and I’m designing a digital commemorative newspaper for the event. So…

  • Updating style (new hair!)

    Going to see my favorite hairstylist Tommy soon, and so I was inspired this morning to look at some new hairstyles. Of course I want your opinion! This is my hair now: Here are the styles that caught my eye:   They’re not dramatically different – I’m not in the “whole new look” mode, more…

  • Smooth, bare and apparently laser hair removal *can* be affordable

    Colleen told me once that every time she hears anything about a new hair removal treatment, she thinks of me. Because, she says, inevitably I will try it and, if I can rope her into it, make her try it too. And she’s totally not wrong. When it comes to hair removal, I’ve pretty much tried…

  • Smooth, bare and apparently laser hair removal *can* be affordable

    Colleen told me once that every time she hears anything about a new hair removal treatment, she thinks of me. Because, she says, inevitably I will try it and, if I can rope her into it, make her try it too. And she’s totally not wrong. When it comes to hair removal, I’ve pretty much tried…

  • What happens when a friend lets you take over his condo

    This wasn’t an inexpensive project, by any means. But we did a lot of shopping around and found just the right things at times for just the right price. Here’s a breakdown on what was purchased and where: = New couch was a Crate and Barrel find on Craigslist for $350. It belonged to a…

  • What happens when a friend lets you take over his condo

    This wasn’t an inexpensive project, by any means. But we did a lot of shopping around and found just the right things at times for just the right price. Here’s a breakdown on what was purchased and where: = New couch was a Crate and Barrel find on Craigslist for $350. It belonged to a…

  • The great stripes fiasco

    So, two of Anil’s living room walls are covered in brick that has been painted white. The third wall was painted off white and the fourth was painted maroon. Walls before: Behind the living room is a nook that Anil had painted orange: All of the other walls in the hallway near the nook were…

  • It’s all about the details

    A few things to note before giving you the big living room reveal after Anil let me play decorator for the past couple of weeks. I gave you the kitchen organizing update a few days ago. There have been a few small updates since then: Anil got rid of his old plates and bowls and…

  • Make your own kind of music

    What’s a redecorating project without art? The only bad thing about working with  me is that I’m a pain in the ass when it comes to art. I like it to be custom. I don’t want someone to walk in my house and say, “Oh, I have that same print!” or “Oh, you got that…

  • Windows to the world deserve a nice frame

    Anil’s aparment window coverings before: Window coverings now: I absolutely love how the curtain rods come from the ceiling. They are from IKEA and the curtains are from World Market. More updates of Anil’s apartment to come!

  • Organizing a kitchen and finding out your friend secretly is a cat person

    Step one of the great Phoenix remodel: Organize the kitchen.   Anil loves to cook and he’s really good at it, so he deserves a kitchen that is easy to work with. And the first few days of the redecorating project were spent window shopping, trying to figure out the official plan for the condo…

  • Bikinis and bathtubs and more toilets for women

    So, the bathroom photos I mentioned a few days ago made it into the collage frame. Here is the frame as a whole:   Here are some close ups of the photos that existed prior to me writing the other day’s post: The Italy photos are less “humorous” and more “unique” – I’m kind of…

  • Bikinis and bathtubs and more toilets for women

    So, the bathroom photos I mentioned a few days ago made it into the collage frame. Here is the frame as a whole:   Here are some close ups of the photos that existed prior to me writing the other day’s post: The Italy photos are less “humorous” and more “unique” – I’m kind of…

  • potty talk

    Because sometimes bathrooms can be a conversation piece. There’s a multi-opening frame in our half bathroom that holds photos of some of the more interesting bathrooms we’ve seen while on various adventures. I love taking photos of neat or unusual or weird things I see in bathrooms (not like that, you sickos). I happened upon…

  • A friend’s house and a very big mess

    So, the brick stripping hasn’t quite gone as planned so far. I’m helping Anil remodel his apartment and the first item on the to-do list was to strip the paint from the brick on the interior walls. Debated hiring a contractor to do the whole thing, then decided it might be best to have a…

  • Friends, shopping, and stripping

    Everyone else is excited about the holidays. I am, too, but I have to confess that as I’m gift shopping I’m also looking ahead to another project. Very soon, I will get to help a friend with one of my favorite things: decorating. Anil is opening his home to me for a couple of weeks so that…

  • Which end is up?

    I feel too frazzled to blog. So much has happened over the past few weeks that I don’t even know where to begin! So, what I’m going to do today is be lame and tell you what I plan to write about. This will organize and un-frazzle me. = My first triathlon race report. Yep,…